2024 Rooty Hill Club Championships Division D

Sydney (AUS)
24/09/2024 - 19/11/2024
Pairing of round 2, at 1915 of 01/10/2024
Bo.FedWhite PlayerPtsResultPtsBlack PlayerFed
20 NSW 1 Magesh,Devahuti 11 - 018 McGaughey,Elias NSW
21 NSW 21 Anand,Arjun 10 - 112 Gorantla,Karunya NSW
22 NSW 5 Joseph,Arnold 11 - 019 Mutyala,Vikram NSW
23 NSW 6 Daniel,Suria 11 - 0111 Magesh,Sharav NSW
24 NSW 3 Martin,Ethan 01 - 0017 Daniel,Ariye NSW
25 NSW 14 Gorantla,Krithika 01 - 0019 Anup Kumar,Sia NSW
26 NSW 26 Ponteres,Renante 01 - 0030 Vemuri,Lakshmi NSW
27 NSW 29 Taki,Ahmed 0.5½ - ½013 Madan,Kyra NSW
28 NSW 27 Kulkarni,Saanvi 00 - 1020 Verma,Swar NSW
29 NSW 23 Dasgupta,Debajyoti 0.5½ 0( half point bye )
30 NSW 4 Nimbagiri,Vidvath 10 0( not paired )
31 NSW 7 Kuncoro,Harvey 0.50 0( not paired )
32 NSW 10 Samarawickrama,Mahendra 00 0( not paired )
33 NSW 12 Nimbagiri,Kiran 10 0( not paired )
34 NSW 15 Vella,Arthur 00 0( not paired )
35 NSW 16 Nimbagiri,Veda 00 0( not paired )
36 NSW 28 Samarawickrama,Thejayu 00 0( not paired )
37 NSW 18 Vaishnav,Ishaan 0½ 0( half point bye )
38 NSW 25 Paulsen,Chris 00 0( not paired )
39 NSW 24 Patel,Harmish 00 0( not paired )
40 NSW 22 Patel,Arya 00 0( not paired )
41 NSW 31 Rajput,Neal 00 0( not paired )
42 NSW 32 Lolo,George 00 0( not paired )
43 NSW 33 Quartermain,Jensen 00 0( not paired )
44 NSW 34 Ahmad,Muzaffar 00 0( not paired )