2024 Rooty Hill December Allegro

Sydney (AUS)
03/12/2024 - 03/12/2024
Pairing of round 4 (accelerated), at 2030 of 03/12/2024
Bo.FedWhite PlayerPtsResultPtsBlack PlayerFed
1NSW 1 CM Naraharasetty,Saisiddharth 31 - 033 Merugu,RudranshNSW
2NSW 10 Su,Joey 31 - 029 Fatohi,Emad GhanimNSW
3NSW 21 Hu,Emma 21 - 022 Descallar,LeviNSW
4NSW 25 Li,Baize 20 - 124 Prithvi,ParthivNSW
5NSW 17 Shosho,David 20 - 126 Laurente,AllanNSW
6NSW 7 Ye,Austin 2½ - ½213 Woon,EllaNSW
7NSW 29 Joseph,Baby 21 - 0211 Taki,AhmedNSW
8NSW 30 Thuaux,Alexander 2.51 - 0212 Narwane,MihirNSW
9NSW 5 Yaqoob,Yaqoob 1.50 - 1233 Japesh,AdityaNSW
10NSW 34 Joseph,Arnold 20 - 11.515 Dorrian,BenjaminNSW
11NSW 36 Daniel,Suria 20 - 11.516 Rupasinghe,ChanyaNSW
12NSW 56 Anand,Arjun 21 - 01.520 Assa,KhaledNSW
13NSW 28 Komer,Zeid 1.51 - 0237 Suvarna,VanshNSW
14NSW 57 Quesada,Eddie 2½ - ½231 Oshana,FaresNSW
15NSW 32 Soliman,Soliman 21 - 0253 Rao,AmanOS
16NSW 55 Tiqui,Norrie 2½ - ½114 Thuaux,AlanNSW
17NSW 18 Huang,Isaac 1½ - ½123 Yuan,WinsonNSW
18NSW 19 Yao,John 11 - 0124 Jensen,JackNSW
19NSW 27 Assa,Walid 10 - 1122 Martin,EthanNSW
20NSW 38 Thyagarajan,Japesh 10 - 1143 Daniel,AriyeNSW
21NSW 44 Madan,Kyra 11 - 0139 Jansen,MichaelNSW
22NSW 40 Samarawickrama,Mahendra 10 - 1145 Vaishnav,IshaanNSW
23NSW 48 Campos Wagner,Fulvio Alberto 11 - 0141 Mejares,RemeoNSW
24NSW 52 Rajput,Neal 10 - 1142 Mutyala,VikramNSW
25NSW 8 Ponteres,Renante 01 - 0047 Ahmad,MuzaffarNSW
26NSW 46 Samarawickrama,Thejayu 01 0( bye )
27NSW 26 Joseph,Albert 00 0( not paired )
28NSW 35 Narwane,Ayush 00 0( not paired )
29NSW 49 Lolo,George 00 0( not paired )
30NSW 50 Posimani,Wezley 00 0( not paired )
31NSW 51 Quartermain,Jensen 00 0( not paired )
32NSW 54 Siligi,Bronson 00 0( not paired )