2024 Rooty Hill Open Championships

Sydney (AUS)
11/06/2024 - 27/08/2024
Pairing of round 9, at 1915 of 20/08/2024
Bo.FedWhite PlayerPtsResultPtsBlack PlayerFed
1NSW 10 Verma,Rudra 6.51 - 063 Anup Kumar,VihaanNSW
2NSW 2 Cabale,Nazarito 60 - 161 CM Naraharasetty,SaisiddharthOS
3OS 8 Munkhbat,Anand 5.51 - 05.54 CM Cabilin,JeffNSW
4NSW 7 Corona,Jonluke 5.5½ - ½5.59 Zhang,RichardNSW
5NSW 16 Thite,Sameer 5.51 - 0537 Soliman,SolimanNSW
6NSW 12 Bhaumik,Ronen 51 - 0538 Tang,WilliamNSW
7NSW 42 Kuncoro,Leo 51 - 0533 Cyriac,JoseNSW
8NSW 5 Siva Sankaran,Anup Kumar 4.5½ - ½536 Huang,IsaacNSW
9NSW 23 Gao,Terry 4.5½ - ½4.514 Thuaux,AlexanderNSW
10NSW 21 Dorrian,Benjamin 4.51 - 04.528 Bala,CesarNSW
11NSW 63 Jensen,Jack 4.51 - 04.522 Duckworth,TerryNSW
12NSW 18 Muller,Hans P 41 - 04.534 Li,BaizeNSW
13NSW 26 Corona,Fabrizio 4½ - ½411 Shosho,DavidNSW
14NSW 27 Mejares,Remeo 4½ - ½413 Descallar,LeviNSW
15NSW 40 Kingsley,Ross 4½ - ½419 Rupasinghe,ChanyaNSW
16NSW 20 Pan,Renee Yang 41 - 0469 Suvarna,VanshNSW
17OS 72 Saini,Rijul 40 - 1425 Jacob,ChristoNSW
18NSW 32 Jansen,Michael 3.5½ - ½3.517 Yao,JohnNSW
19NSW 24 Thuaux,Alan 3.5½ - ½3.531 Joseph,BabyNSW
20NSW 45 Gorantla,Karunya 3.51 - 03.529 Herreros,BillNSW
21NSW 30 Joseph,Albert 3.5½ - ½3.535 Merugu,RudranshNSW
22NSW 43 Magesh,Devahuti 31 - 03.548 Nimbagiri,VidvathNSW
23NSW 53 Nimbagiri,Kiran 3½ - ½341 Duvoor,AnirudhNSW
24NSW 44 Zhang,Emma (Zihan) 31 - 0360 Gorantla,KrithikaNSW
25NSW 54 Tang,Spencer 30 - 1346 Joseph,ArnoldNSW
26NSW 49 Martin,Ethan 31 - 0364 McGaughey,EliasNSW
27NSW 52 Thirumala,Tarini Reddy 2.51 - 02.571 Vaishnav,IshaanNSW
28NSW 61 Thirumala,Tejith Reddy 2.50 - 12.556 Magesh,SharavNSW
29NSW 50 Samarawickrama,Mahendra 21 - 0257 Vella,ArthurNSW
30NSW 58 Parmar,Yuvin 20 - 1255 Kuncoro,HarveyNSW
31NSW 62 Anup Kumar,Sia 1.51 - 0168 Samarawickrama,ThejayuNSW
32NSW 15 Cassettari,Peter 50 0( not paired )
33NSW 39 Pavlovic,Paul 4.50 0( not paired )
34NSW 66 Ross,Jaden 40 0( not paired )
35NSW 74 Anne,Nikhil 3.50 0( not paired )
36NSW 51 Mutyala,Vikram 30 0( not paired )
37NSW 59 Nimbagiri,Veda 30 0( not paired )
38KEN 6 Mohan,Rahul 2.50 0( not paired )
39NSW 67 Samarawickrama,Janudi 20 0( not paired )
40NSW 73 Quesada,Eddie 1.50 0( not paired )
41NSW 70 Syeda,Zaynab Annam 0.50 0( not paired )
42NSW 47 Vimal,Kiruba 00 0( not paired )
43NSW 65 Nkono,Dorian 00 0( not paired )