2024 Rooty Hill Rapid Championships

Sydney (AUS)
03/09/2024 - 17/09/2024
Pairing of round 9, at 2145 of 17/09/2024
Bo.FedWhite PlayerPtsResultPtsBlack PlayerFed
1NSW 1 Lane,Ryan 7.51 - 069 Siva Sankaran,Anup KumarNSW
2NSW 2 Naraharasetty,Saisiddharth 71 - 064 Cabale,NazaritoNSW
3OS 20 Naing,Sithu 5.51 - 05.56 Anup Kumar,VihaanNSW
4NSW 8 CM Cabilin,Jeff 5.5½ - ½5.548 Ye,AustinNSW
5NSW 24 Shosho,David 5.50 - 15.510 Prithvi,ParthivNSW
6NSW 19 Thite,Sameer 50 - 153 Zhang,RichardNSW
7NSW 5 Rupasinghe,Sayum 51 - 0521 Vujasin,NikolaNSW
8NSW 7 Lau,Winson 50 - 1522 Huang,IsaacNSW
9NSW 12 Corona,Jonluke 50 - 1543 Descallar,LeviNSW
10NSW 16 Taki,Ahmed 51 - 04.514 Merugu,RudranshNSW
11NSW 29 Muller,Hans P 4.51 - 04.511 Yaqoob,YaqoobNSW
12NSW 27 Tarek,Emad 4.51 - 04.542 Joseph,BabyNSW
13NSW 41 Assa,Walid 4.5½ - ½4.540 Joseph,AlbertNSW
14NSW 44 Franklin,William 40 - 1415 Laurente,AllanNSW
15NSW 17 Ponteres,Renante 40 - 1446 Japesh,AdityaNSW
16RUS 18 Riabov,Anton 41 - 0476 Paulsen,ChrisNSW
17NSW 62 Shahriar,Aarav 41 - 0430 Dorrian,BenjaminNSW
18NSW 77 Sarker,Prasenjit 41 - 0436 Corona,FabrizioNSW
19NSW 54 Daniel,Suria 41 - 0439 Tiqui,NorrieNSW
20NSW 38 Gorantla,Karunya 3.51 - 0452 Mejares,RemeoNSW
21NSW 26 Jensen,Jack 3.51 - 03.565 Gorantla,KrithikaNSW
22NSW 31 Labuzin,Alexander 3.51 - 03.566 Vagh,RiyanVIC
23NSW 47 Soliman,Soliman 3.5½ - ½3.553 Suvarna,VanshNSW
24NSW 28 Assa,Khaled 31 - 03.574 McGaughey,EliasNSW
25NSW 56 Vujasin,Maksim 30 - 1337 Magesh,DevahutiNSW
26NSW 57 Magesh,Sharav 30 - 1345 Cyriac,JoseNSW
27NSW 49 Herreros,Bill 31 - 0361 Thyagarajan,JapeshNSW
28NSW 50 Anne,Nikhil 31 - 0368 Madan,KyraNSW
29NSW 60 Vimal,Kiruba 30 - 1355 Joseph,ArnoldNSW
30NSW 58 Mutyala,Vikram 2.50 - 12.563 Daniel,AriyeNSW
31NSW 80 Quesada,Eddie 2.51 - 0270 Thirumala,Tejith ReddyNSW
32NSW 71 Vaishnav,Ishaan 21 - 0275 Medak,ReyaanshNSW
33NSW 72 Golan,Bhupinder Pal Singh 21 - 0278 Thuaux,LiamNSW
34NSW 59 Thirumala,Tarini Reddy 21 0( bye )
35NSW 23 Rupasinghe,Chanya 4.50 0( not paired )
36NSW 33 Li,Baize 40 0( not paired )
37NSW 13 Thuaux,Alan 3.50 0( not paired )
38NSW 32 Di,Elvin 3.50 0( not paired )
39NSW 34 Martin,Ethan 30 0( not paired )
40EGY 73 Hanna,Steven 30 0( not paired )
41NSW 35 Komer,Zeid 2.50 0( not paired )
42NSW 25 Thuaux,Alexander 1.50 0( not paired )
43NSW 51 Ross,Jaden 10 0( not paired )
44NSW 64 Parmar,Yuvin 10 0( not paired )
45NSW 67 Samarawickrama,Mahendra 10 0( not paired )
46NSW 69 Anup Kumar,Sia 0.50 0( not paired )
47NSW 79 Samarawickrama,Thejayu 0.50 0( not paired )
48NSW 81 Bala,Jival 0.50 0( not paired )