2025 Rooty Hill Summer Cup

Sydney (AUS)
14/01/2025 - 11/03/2025

Registered players sorted by rating and title

1 CM Bukreyev,Andriy NSW NSW200619142006
2 Pigram,Daniel NSW NSW196119071961
3 Teves,Johnny Miranda OS OS196019271960
4 Mangrobang,Noel NSW NSW195619291956
5 FM Camer,Angelito NSW NSW191819201918
84 Munkhbat,Anand OS OS185901859
6 Anup Kumar,Vihaan NSW NSW183318891833
88 Verma,Rudra NSW NSW182601826
7 Pavalachandran,Ashvini OS OS182518201825
8 Taki,Ahmed NSW NSW180318030
9 CM Cabilin,Jeff NSW NSW179518441795
10 Bhaumik,Ronen NSW NSW177418181774
11 Siva Sankaran,Anup Kumar NSW NSW177418471774
12 Marner,Gavin OS OS176718381767
13 Corona,Jonluke NSW NSW175518111755
14 Zhang,Richard NSW NSW175218071752
15 Prithvi,Parthiv NSW NSW164117731641
16 Burman Ray,Sunay IND IND161816180
17 Narwane,Mihir NSW NSW161117901611
18 Thuaux,Alexander NSW NSW157417201574
19 Kuncoro,Leo NSW NSW154116601541
20 Cassettari,Peter NSW NSW153817401538
21 Jain,Kamal NSW NSW151716521517
22 Descallar,Levi NSW NSW150817761508
23 Thite,Sameer NSW NSW148717571487
24 de Villiers,Jean NSW NSW145216701452
25 Muller,Hans P NSW NSW145017031450
26 Pan,Renee Yang NSW NSW144516611445
27 Dorrian,Benjamin NSW NSW144317181443
28 Li,Baize NSW NSW143417491434
29 Yao,John NSW NSW143416891434
30 Ye,Austin NSW NSW143316601433
31 Jensen,Jack NSW NSW143016511430
32 Samarawickrama,Thejayu NSW NSW142514250
33 Huang,Isaac NSW NSW142316801423
34 Rupasinghe,Chanya NSW NSW141216421412
35 Shosho,David NSW NSW139917221399
36 Mejares,Remeo NSW NSW133616381336
37 Bala,Cesar NSW NSW129316471293
38 Corona,Fabrizio NSW NSW128916501289
39 Merugu,Rudransh NSW NSW128916231289
40 Thuaux,Alan NSW NSW128215961282
41 Cyriac,Jose NSW NSW126415961264
42 Woon,Ella NSW NSW125616001256
43 Quesada,Eddie NSW NSW119616531196
44 Herreros,Bill NSW NSW118215571182
45 Jansen,Michael NSW NSW115915221159
46 Kingsley,Ross NSW NSW112115231121
47 Soliman,Soliman NSW NSW111015551110
48 Timtchev,Ivan NSW NSW108815121088
49 Gorantla,Karunya NSW NSW103901039
50 Magesh,Devahuti NSW NSW102715291027
85 Madan,Kyra NSW NSW9270927
51 Zhang,Emma (Zihan) NSW NSW8991441899
52 Suvarna,Vansh NSW NSW8611548861
53 Xie,Leo NSW NSW8490849
54 Daniel,Suria NSW NSW7801498780
55 Kuncoro,Harvey NSW NSW7321428732
56 Narwane,Ayush NSW NSW7161435716
57 Thirumala,Tarini Reddy NSW NSW6660666
58 Mutyala,Vikram NSW NSW6010601
59 Daniel,Ariye NSW NSW5900590
60 Magesh,Sharav NSW NSW5721458572
61 Samarawickrama,Mahendra NSW NSW4911432491
62 Gorantla,Krithika NSW NSW4371415437
63 Parmar,Yuvin NSW NSW4191467419
64 Vella,Arthur NSW NSW4040404
65 Thirumala,Tejith Reddy NSW NSW2781405278
66 Verma,Swar NSW NSW1080108
67 Anup Kumar,Sia NSW NSW1000100
68 Burman Ray,Soumik IND IND000
69 Dawood Hussain,Shanuvash NSW NSW000
70 de Villiers,Jayson NSW NSW000
71 Dulalia,Jeremias NSW NSW000
72 Fuchs,Jordan NSW NSW000
73 Golan,Bhupinder Pal Singh NSW NSW000
74 Magallanes,Armando NSW NSW000
75 Rajput,Neal NSW NSW000
89 Ranjitdev,Amitdev NSW NSW000
76 Raval,Devasya NSW NSW000
83 Sanghavi,Anveer NSW NSW000
77 Scott,Lachlan NSW NSW000
78 Shanuvash,Kaiser Imraan NSW NSW000
79 Shanuvash,Leena Mehanaz NSW NSW000
82 Taheri,Erfan NSW NSW000
87 Tongia,Abhishek NSW NSW000
86 Tongia,Priyal NSW NSW000
80 Verma,Shaurya NSW NSW000
81 Wakim,Anthony NSW NSW000
Rating legend: Rtg: Rating used for pairing and standings - RtgF: Fide Rating - RtgN: National Rating