2024 Rooty Hill Blitz Championships

Sydney (AUS)
02/07/2024 - 02/07/2024
Pairing of round 10, at 2145 of 02/07/2024
Bo.FedWhite PlayerPtsResultPtsBlack PlayerFed
1OS 18 Cafirma,Elize Caryl 60 - 181 IM McGowan,CameronNSW
2NSW 34 Li,Baize 60 - 17.58 Munkhbat,AnandOS
3NSW 3 Yu,Changhao 71 - 072 Cabale,NazaritoNSW
4NSW 4 Prithvi,Parthiv 61 - 0631 Pavlovic,PaulNSW
5NSW 49 Nwigbo,Suanu 60 - 1627 Faizal,ShaheelNSW
6NSW 12 Verma,Rudra 5.51 - 05.550 Singh,MukulIND
7NSW 21 Yao,John 50 - 15.57 Taki,AhmedNSW
8NSW 25 Rupasinghe,Chanya 50 - 156 Gao,TerryNSW
9NSW 47 Jensen,Jack 50 - 1510 Merugu,RudranshNSW
10NSW 24 Dorrian,Benjamin 51 - 0529 Ponteres,RenanteNSW
11NSW 30 Joseph,Baby 4.51 - 0541 Martin,EthanNSW
12NSW 22 Suvarna,Vansh 4.50 - 14.511 Laurente,AllanNSW
13NSW 17 Rahman,Tarek 41 - 045 Lavaro,ChristianNSW
14NSW 35 Thirumala,Tarini Reddy 41 - 049 Descallar,LeviNSW
15NSW 15 Cassettari,Peter 40 - 1419 Shosho,DavidNSW
16OS 16 Yondon,Munkhbat 41 - 0428 Soliman,SolimanNSW
17NSW 37 Mutyala,Vikram 30 - 13.540 Joseph,ArnoldNSW
18NSW 52 Osinsao,Jacob 30 - 1333 Tiqui,NorrieNSW
19NSW 53 Ross,Jaden 31 0( bye )
20NSW 36 Huang,Isaac 4.50 0( not paired )
21NSW 23 Gorantla,Karunya 3.50 0( not paired )
22NSW 14 Muller,Hans P 30 0( not paired )
23NSW 20 Thuaux,Alan 30 0( not paired )
24NSW 26 Di,Elvin 30 0( not paired )
25NSW 32 Anne,Nikhil 30 0( not paired )
26NSW 46 Huang,Chloe 2.50 0( not paired )
27NSW 39 Nimbagiri,Vidvath 20 0( not paired )
28NSW 42 Gorantla,Krithika 20 0( not paired )
29NSW 43 Parmar,Yuvin 20 0( not paired )
30NSW 44 Nimbagiri,Kiran 20 0( not paired )
31NSW 13 Thuaux,Alexander 1.50 0( not paired )
32NSW 51 Vaishnav,Ishaan 1.50 0( not paired )
33NSW 45 Nimbagiri,Veda 10 0( not paired )
34AUS 38 Blank 00 0( not paired )
35NSW 48 Nkono,Dorian 00 0( not paired )