2024 Rooty Hill March Blitz

Sydney (AUS)
26/03/2024 - 26/03/2024
Pairing of round 9, at 2115 of 26/03/2024
Bo.FedWhite PlayerPtsResultPtsBlack PlayerFed
1 NSW 41 Merugu,Rudransh 5.50 - 181 CM Mandla,Blair NSW
2 NSW 4 WFM Vincent,Alaina 6.50 - 165 Anup Kumar,Vihaan NSW
3 NSW 7 Zhang,Richard 61 - 05.53 Rupasinghe,Sayum NSW
4 NSW 6 Goel,Vayum 51 - 05.515 Taki,Ahmed NSW
5 NSW 28 Muller,Hans P 50 - 158 Siva Sankaran,Anup Kumar NSW
6 NSW 12 Verma,Rudra 51 - 0525 Huang,Isaac NSW
7 NSW 16 Gao,Terry 51 - 0534 Jacob,Christo NSW
8 NSW 32 Assa,Walid 50 - 1517 Warne,Alexander NSW
9 NSW 40 Warne,Leonardo 51 - 0524 Assa,Khaled NSW
10 NSW 23 Yao,John 4.50 - 1535 Di,Elvin NSW
11 NSW 20 Rupasinghe,Chanya 4.51 - 04.522 Tiqui,Norrie NSW
12 NSW 9 Yaqoob,Yaqoob 41 - 0427 Dorrian,Benjamin NSW
13 NSW 37 Mutyala,Vikram 40 - 1410 Thite,Sameer NSW
14 NSW 11 Laurente,Allan 41 - 0436 Oshana,Fares NSW
15 NSW 53 Martin,Ethan 40 - 1413 Jain,Kamal NSW
16 NSW 18 Duckworth,Terry 40 - 1430 Roseby,Andrew NSW
17 NSW 19 Cassettari,Peter 41 - 0451 Japesh,Aditya NSW
18 NSW 31 Gorantla,Karunya 41 - 0421 Shosho,David NSW
19 NSW 38 Anne,Nikhil 41 - 03.562 Mejares,Remeo NSW
20 NSW 46 Thirumala,Tarini Reddy 3.51 - 03.560 Srivastava,Rishabh NSW
21 NSW 39 Senthil Kumar,Harendhra 31 - 0356 Prajapati,Krish NSW
22 NSW 52 Lim,Daniel 31 - 0342 Warne,Kendal NSW
23 NSW 63 Ross,Jayden 31 - 0344 Vincent,Alvin NSW
24 NSW 50 Parmar,Yuvin 30 - 1354 Pavlovic,Paul NSW
25 NSW 33 Soliman,Soliman 2.51 - 0258 Samarawickrama,Janudi NSW
26 NSW 59 Samarawickrama,Thejayu 20 - 1249 Anup Kumar,Sia NSW
27 NSW 45 Gorantla,Krithika 21 0( bye )
28 NSW 43 Sweeney,Kieran 20 0( not paired )
29 NSW 47 Koshal,Ahaan 20 0( not paired )
30 NSW 61 Tolentino,Joshua 20 0( not paired )
31 NSW 29 Thuaux,Alan 10 0( not paired )
32 NSW 2 Pinget,Fernando G 00 0( not paired )
33 NSW 14 Thuaux,Alexander 00 0( not paired )
34 NSW 26 Fatohi,Emad Ghanim 00 0( not paired )
35 NSW 48 Madugula,Joshua 00 0( not paired )
36 NSW 55 Pleffer,Ben 00 0( not paired )
37 NSW 57 Ress,Daniel 00 0( not paired )