2025 Rooty Hill Summer Cup

Sydney (AUS)
14/01/2025 - 11/03/2025
Pairing of round 7, at 1915 of 25/02/2025
Bo.FedWhite PlayerPtsResultPtsBlack PlayerFed
1 NSW 4 Mangrobang,Noel 50 - 14.53 Teves,Johnny Miranda OS
2 NSW 5 FM Camer,Angelito 4.51 - 04.510 Bhaumik,Ronen NSW
3 NSW 13 Corona,Jonluke 4.51 - 04.568 Burman Ray,Soumik IND
4 OS 12 Marner,Gavin 4½ - ½41 CM Bukreyev,Andriy NSW
5 NSW 15 Prithvi,Parthiv 4½ - ½46 Anup Kumar,Vihaan NSW
6 NSW 21 Jain,Kamal 40 - 147 Pavalachandran,Ashvini OS
7 NSW 11 Siva Sankaran,Anup Kumar 40 - 1428 Li,Baize NSW
8 NSW 17 Narwane,Mihir 3.51 - 0425 Muller,Hans P NSW
9 NSW 42 Woon,Ella 3.50 - 13.514 Zhang,Richard NSW
10 NSW 20 Cassettari,Peter 3.51 - 03.540 Thuaux,Alan NSW
11 NSW 22 Descallar,Levi 3.51 - 03.555 Kuncoro,Harvey NSW
12 NSW 54 Daniel,Suria 3.50 - 13.523 Thite,Sameer NSW
13 NSW 34 Rupasinghe,Chanya 3½ - ½316 Burman Ray,Sunay IND
14 NSW 19 Kuncoro,Leo 31 - 0343 Quesada,Eddie NSW
15 NSW 27 Dorrian,Benjamin 30 - 1345 Jansen,Michael NSW
16 NSW 30 Ye,Austin 31 - 0349 Gorantla,Karunya NSW
17 NSW 31 Jensen,Jack 31 - 0376 Raval,Devasya NSW
18 NSW 33 Huang,Isaac 3½ - ½352 Suvarna,Vansh NSW
19 NSW 35 Shosho,David 31 - 0377 Scott,Lachlan NSW
20 NSW 53 Xie,Leo 3½ - ½2.529 Yao,John NSW
21 NSW 88 Verma,Rudra 31 - 0338 Corona,Fabrizio NSW
22 NSW 63 Parmar,Yuvin 2.50 - 12.518 Thuaux,Alexander NSW
23 NSW 37 Bala,Cesar 2.50 - 12.551 Zhang,Emma (Zihan) NSW
24 NSW 74 Magallanes,Armando 2.5½ - ½2.541 Cyriac,Jose NSW
25 NSW 71 Dulalia,Jeremias 2.51 - 0273 Golan,Bhupinder Pal Singh NSW
26 NSW 60 Magesh,Sharav 21 - 0259 Daniel,Ariye NSW
27 NSW 47 Soliman,Soliman 20 - 1272 Fuchs,Jordan NSW
28 NSW 82 Taheri,Erfan 20 - 1250 Magesh,Devahuti NSW
29 NSW 56 Narwane,Ayush 20 - 1285 Madan,Kyra NSW
30 NSW 75 Rajput,Neal 1.50 - 11.544 Herreros,Bill NSW
31 NSW 67 Anup Kumar,Sia 1.50 - 11.578 Shanuvash,Kaiser Imraan NSW
32 NSW 65 Thirumala,Tejith Reddy 10 - 1164 Vella,Arthur NSW
33 NSW 79 Shanuvash,Leena Mehanaz 00 - 11.562 Gorantla,Krithika NSW
34 NSW 83 Sanghavi,Anveer 00F-1F089 Ranjitdev,Amitdev NSW
35 NSW 8 Taki,Ahmed 4.5½ 0( half point bye )
36 NSW 58 Mutyala,Vikram 2½ 0( half point bye )
37 NSW 66 Verma,Swar 1.5½ 0( half point bye )
38 NSW 2 Pigram,Daniel 20 0( not paired )
39 NSW 9 CM Cabilin,Jeff 20 0( not paired )
40 NSW 24 de Villiers,Jean 1.50 0( not paired )
41 NSW 26 Pan,Renee Yang 20 0( not paired )
42 NSW 32 Samarawickrama,Thejayu 10 0( not paired )
43 NSW 36 Mejares,Remeo 30 0( not paired )
44 NSW 39 Merugu,Rudransh 20 0( not paired )
45 NSW 46 Kingsley,Ross 20 0( not paired )
46 NSW 61 Samarawickrama,Mahendra 1.50 0( not paired )
47 NSW 69 Dawood Hussain,Shanuvash 10 0( not paired )
48 NSW 70 de Villiers,Jayson 2.50 0( not paired )
49 NSW 80 Verma,Shaurya 10 0( not paired )
50 NSW 81 Wakim,Anthony 1.50 0( not paired )
51 OS 84 Munkhbat,Anand 00 0( not paired )
52 NSW 86 Tongia,Priyal 10 0( not paired )
53 NSW 87 Tongia,Abhishek 10 0( not paired )
54 NSW 48 Timtchev,Ivan 30 0( not paired )
55 NSW 57 Thirumala,Tarini Reddy 30 0( not paired )